UNHCR Population Statistics
Interactive dashboard | Raw data
The database currently contains data about UNHCR's populations of concern from the year 1951 up to 2017 and you can use it to investigate different aspects of these populations...

UNHCR refugee data available for all

UNHCR opened their data vaults and is providing easily accessible refugee data through user-friendly data queries. UNHCR also has an informative interactive map which provides a quick overview of countries hosting the most refugees or other persons of concern.

refugee data dashboard

You can click and filter refugee data on the map by country and year. Interesting to note is that as of 2018 Turkey had the most refugees while in 2013 Pakistan had the most refugees.

refugee data dashboard comparison

Populations of concern data

In addition to the interactive data visualization the website also hosts an intensive data repository providing information such as the 2016 demographic breakdown of refugee children in Kigali, Rwanda. The website does not only have refugee data, it also has data on many other populations of concern, which include people who are forcibly displaced and persons without a nationality:

  • Asylum-seekers
  • Internally displaced persons
  • Returned refugees
  • Returned internally displaced persons
  • Stateless persons
  • Others of concern


raw refugee data

Of interest is that the refugee data on this website can be used to determine the number of people going through the refugee status determination procedures. For instance, a comparison can be made of the number of people with confirmed refugee status before and after the Trump administration.

When looking for refugee data, the UNHCR population statistics website is a comprehensive resource. By examining this data we were inspired to create a bar chart race video - check it out on YouTube via the video link below!

Refugee data race

Resources for exploring refugee data:

  • Interactive dashboard - Be sure to read the overlay on the map to learn how to use the interactive dashboard.
  • Raw data - Fill out the check boxes on the left to see the refugee data, if you do not have it full screen those boxes may not appear.
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