Interactive Dashboard
We keep track of what works, what the barriers in solving the most prevalent legal problems are and what the ‘dead-ends’ in the justice sector are.

The Justice Data Dashboard

Interested in knowing what legal issues people face in different countries? HiiL (The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law) is an organization that believes everyone should have access to a fair justice system. HiiL conducts extensive surveys to collect justice data to understand what legal issues people are facing. The Justice Dashboard makes this data open source.

Justice data dashboard legal problems

The Justice Dashboard uses charts and dynamic sentences allowing you to extract information at a country level. The information displayed includes:

  • What are the most common legal problems people face?
  • How do legal problems affect people's lives?
  • How do people try to solve their legal problems?
  • Who do people go to to solve their legal problems?


Justice data dashboard justice journey

An interesting fact we obtained while exploring the Justice Dashboard was that in the Netherlands, for instance, 60% of people trust the police to solve their legal problems with only 3% of people using their personal network. Conversely, in Nigeria only 29% of people rely on the police and 31% use their personal network to try to solve their legal problems.

Explore HiiL's justice data:

The Displacement Tracking Matrix
Our world in data


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