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Event based crisis data

Interested in analyzing the day to day events which occur in a crisis? The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) collects data on crisis events with information such as location, who is involved, what type of interaction it was, and a few sentences explaining the event. This crisis data is free for anyone to access and especially useful for NGOs and other organizations working in armed-conflict contexts.

ACLED also performs analyses of their crisis data and creates infographics to highlight specific information. For instance, they have a series on Syria showcasing snapshots of who has control over regions in Syria and what events have occurred.

Syrian crisis data

How the crisis data is collected

ACLED collects data by following local media sources, such as television and radio, while taking into account censorship and potential media bias for each country.

Often times, they will have local undisclosed partners who provide reports. These reports are counter-verified to ensure accuracy. These reports can capture events which journalists do not have access to.

Crisis data dashboard

ACLED also has a dashboard which provides a wealth of information. The ten seconds it takes to load the page is testimony of this. The dashboard allows you to see the geographical concentration of events along with a time series graph so you can see the number of events in a given location each month.

Yemen crisis data

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